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Experienced Property Management

We manage Office Buildings, Retail Centers, Industrial Buildings & Condominium Regimes.

We can also assist with Special Use and Residential Properties. 

Property Management Lifecycle

Let us navigate your asset to success.

  • Are you currently self managing and spending a lot of free time doing so?

  • Is your current manager a Certified Property Manager?

  • Are you struggling with rent collections?

  • Do you have issues tracking rental income and property related expenses?

  • Are vendors treating you fairly and providing competitive pricing?

  • Have you experienced a need for court action to enforce tenant payments?

  • Are your building systems being routinely inspected and serviced to enhance their useful life?

  • Is your building being out performed by others in the market?

  • Do you need guidance on budgeting and reserves for future capital expenditures?

We provide a positive experience via a proactive approach to your asset which helps to address and avoid issues before they become a financial burden. Consistent communication between all parties generates efficient and timely action to help improve tenant retention and ultimately your return on investment.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you only provide full service management?

No! In addition to full service management we also offer accounting services, listing/leasing only services, property inspection services and more. Contact us to find out how we can provide you with customized service.

We provide a positive experience via a proactive approach to your asset which helps to address and avoid issues before they become a financial burden.   Consistent communication between all parties generates efficient and timely action to help improve tenant retention and ultimately your

return on investment.  

Do you only provide full service management?

No! In addition to full service management we also offer accounting services, listing/leasing only services, property inspection services and more. Contact us to find out how we can provide you with customized service.

What are the first steps?

We will meet with you to discuss your specific owner goals for the property.  During this meeting we will assist you with suggestions on maintenance, improvements and ideas to enhance tenant retention.  We will also review the management process and answer each of your questions to provide peace of mind.

How much are management fees and leasing fees?

Commercial properties are evaluated on a case by case basis for management and leasing fees.  Contact us today to describe your building and need.  From your description we will generate a fee structure that is market competitive in terms of price and included services.  We consistently beat our competition in both of these areas!

What is the tenant screening process?

Prospective tenants complete a detailed application and are subject to a nationwide criminal and eviction search, credit check, employment and income verification as well as a verification of rental status with their current landlord.  Property owners are provided with a detailed breakdown of any application and have final approval for approved tenants.

How often do you visit my Commercial Property?

Generally, a Mariner Real Estate Services representative is onsite at your property on a weekly basis to effectively manage issues that may arise in addition to helping to enhance overall curb appeal.  Dependent on owner goals our onsite present can be more or less frequent.

How are property repairs handled?

Routine repairs are handled with no mark up.  We have relationships with local vendors who provide excellent service in a timely manner at the best possible price.  Owners are responsible for certain repairs and tenants are responsible for specific items as well as routine maintenance.  Tenants are always 100% responsible for repairs caused by negligence.

I am in the middle of a major renovation, can you start immediately and assist?

Yes! Part of our specialty is project management. If you are in need of assistance with a project or would like a vendor recommendation contact us today!  

What is CAM and should I pass through property costs to my tenants?

CAM stands for 'Common Area Maintenance' and generally applies to expenses incurred in operating your property such as landscaping, snow removal, cleaning and building repairs.  If your tenants lease allows for pass through charges you absolutely should utilize this lease provision to cover expenses paid.  We will review your tenant leases to determine what pass through costs should be borne by the tenant and will complete a budget reflecting tenant income and pass through charges for your approval.  Pass through costs can include some or all of Management Fees, CAM, Real Estate Taxes and Property Insurance.

Will I receive regular updates and how much involvement will I have as a Landlord?

We are routinely in contact with our clients to ensure they are kept up to date with current property operations.  We provide a monthly statement reflecting income and expenses and information related to distributed funds. Should the property require repairs we will notify you as we become aware of the issue and keep you up to date throughout the repair process.  We want our clients to always be fully aware of what is occurring at their property without having to do any heavy lifting.

Get in touch.

Interested in obtaining more information on the services we provide to our clients?


Mariner Real Estate Services, LLC


Direct: 410-279-3383


Address: 626C Admiral Dr. #535

Annapolis, MD, 21401

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